Further refinements to both the firmware and PC software. The main changes are in the firmware and they are:
- When the Sequencer is driven by the MIDI clock with Seq Tie Disabled, the gate time is now 50%. Previously it was far too short. This is a bugfix.
- There are no longer any communications with the DAC unless there is a voltage that needs updating. This reduces digital traffic on the I2C lines and reduces the CPU burden as well.
- Added waveform #11 called “Drum” to LFO2. When used in conjunction with KeySync ON, provides a single downward ramp per note played. Perfect for resonant feedback style drum synth sounds.
- Added a SysEx command to reset the synth to Factory Defaults.
The last two items are also supported in the software. For now these are available by request only. I will put them on the web site when I get time.